What does one say when a friend asks you to bartend so they can share there troubles and decompress after moving? Well I say " of course you are always welcome so long has I do not have to wear pants" . I also then have to start thinking up some new feminists cocktails. This evening I made an Audre Lorde, Silvia Rivera, and a Laverne Cox. So stay tuned because I will post the rest of those throughout the week.
Laverne Cox is best known for her role in Orange is the new black. To be honest I did not watch very much of that show and know Cox best for her feminist and trans* activism. Cox is such an articulate and passionate speaker I could listen to her all day.
Laverne Cox
This drink tastes like a sonic cherry lime aid.
One table spoon Grenadine
One cherry
One half shot Cherry Liquor
One shot of Vodka
Lime juice
Carbonated lemon-aid