My tuition is $15,000 AFTER a $30,000 scholarship, which I negotiated up from 25,00, Yes you can negotiate scholarships. I don’t like this, however I am somewhat limited in my options for coming up with the remainder, I can’t work a lot of jobs due to the unpredictable nature of my medical condition.
I have cut expenses, finding a place closer to campus for nearly 400 less than I am paying now ( last summer this building was full). I cut my home internet, after all, the use of the schools wifi is included in my tuition ( what a bargain!.) Once I realized the only thing I was using my wifi for was Netflix, thus, streaming has been replaced with DVDs from the library, and I am no longer making the irresponsible choice of paying $70 a month to use other people’s Netflix and Hulu accounts. The bonus is this makes me more focused at home. I also deleted the Lyft app from my phone so if I want to use ride sharing I need to plan ahead, this is easier now that I am centrally located, I have a bus to just about anywhere. I also made a commitment to not go out after 7 on weeknights or 8 on weekends, which was largely for my health but it makes it much easier to turn down bar and restaurant meet-ups.
It is negligent of me to not take the actions I can to reduce my loan burden, thus I have been applying for as many scholarships as I can, 48 has of this writing, with a planned list to apply for many more spring scholarships in Nov and Dec, this is a meaningful action I can take and because there are only around 115,000 Law Students in the country, I figure my odds can’t be that bad. I am writing this on June 12th so fingers crossed by the time it posts I have been awarded some. Regardless I can say I took the actions I could take.
Speaking of taking action this weeks feminist not yet Old enough to drink has done so much to bring trans issues into the spotlight. She has written books, spoken publicly and shared private parts of her journey in order to normalize trans children and teens.
I made a Cocktail with a Mock-tail option, and Jazz when you are old enough to drink I will buy you one, You earned it. I found a Ancho. Chili Liquor at my uncles cottage and made this one up, we did it both ways and I highly recommend.
Proscesso/ 7-up
Dash of cayenne pepper or Chili Liquor
Two of Jazz’s books are listed below. Affiliate links.