Margaret Atwood

I read the handmains tail a long time ago, I support it being taught in schools despite its graphic content, however, I refuse to watch the show, I don’t think I can handle it.

One of my friends said about the handmaidens tale “ It is so sad because everything that happens to the women in that story, has already happened to black women in this country”. I say this as a reminder that, this dystopian future we are so afraid of, as been the reality for many and I hope when this work is taught that is a key component.

Though her literary works and activism Margret Atwood has made a significant impact on feminists movements in the US. How do you describe a feminists who rejects the title? From her mixed support for the #metoo movement to her refusal to support feminism that excludes trans women, like so many activists Atwoods contributions are complex.


Margaret Atwood

  • Gin

  • Grapefruit

  • Orange juice

One once of Gin, two jiggers of grapefruit juice and a splash of