America has elected a racist misogynistic pig as its next president. This may be a call for some to take up more activism, work hard to donate to causes that protect marginalized groups, or for others to leave the country. Others may just choose to drink. For the latter I present to you Feminist cocktails, a new cocktail named after a famous feminist presented to you on a semi regular basis.
Week one: The Carrie Fisher
The leading lady of the Star Wars Trilogy as well as a smart-mouthed activist for mental health has passed. It seems only fitting that we drink to this amazing lady who taught us all something important about speaking one's mind.
Champagne to fill glass about 3/4ths of the way.
1/4 once 151 rum
This drink is simple to make, but has an awesome effect. Simply pour your champagne wait for the fizzing to settle and then slowly pour the 151 on top so it forms a float on the top of the glass.
The last step of this process is to light the 151 on fire. It is best to use a long stemmed match or lighter for this. I advise against a Bic lighter or standard match. Try not to be an idiot with fire. Wipe off the sides of your glass and any booze spilled on the counter before lighting your drink and use standard fire precautions.
Another note about igniting your drink. Booze burns blue and is hard to see in the light. Your drink may be lit without you even knowing it, so use caution.
A final note. Some may question whether it is disrespectful to name a cocktail after a person who has struggled with addiction. After some consideration, I have come to the conclusion that Ms. Fisher would not mind. That being said, if your drinking has become problematic, please seek help.