Virgin Drinks? On this blog?

A drink without booze?  Before you shout out what the FUCK, allow me to explain.  My pregnant friend asked me to make her a mocktail. Now not everyone chooses to abstain from all alcohol during pregnancy. I can certainly respect the choice.  My friend is also having blood sugar issues, so this drink is low carb. I will include some options for boozing it up for those who wish to. 

Emma Sulkowicz

I am sure most of you remember Emma, the Columbia University student who chose to carry her  mattress around everywhere until her rapist was expelled. Her actions sparked a nationwide protest and brought attention to the urgent issue of rape on college campuses.

  • Two large strawberries. .

  • Stevia to taste

  • 2 drops orange essential oil (EO)--or 1 oz orange liqueur

  • Carbonated water-- or Prosecco.

Muddle the strawberries with the stevia and EO, pour carbonated water on top. I chilled the muddled strawberries, glass and carbonated water before serving and this greatly improved the taste.