Jazz Jennings

My tuition is $15,000 AFTER a $30,000 scholarship, which I negotiated up from 25,00, Yes you can negotiate scholarships.  I don’t like this, however I am somewhat limited in my options for coming up with the remainder, I can’t work a lot of jobs due to the unpredictable nature of my medical condition. 

I have cut expenses, finding a place closer to campus for nearly 400 less than I am paying now ( last summer this building was full).  I cut my home internet, after all, the use of the schools wifi is included in my tuition ( what a bargain!.) Once I realized the only thing I was using my wifi for was Netflix, thus, streaming has been replaced with DVDs from the library, and I am no longer making the irresponsible choice of paying $70 a month to use other people’s Netflix and Hulu accounts. The bonus is this makes me more focused at home.  I also deleted the Lyft app from my phone so if I want to use ride sharing I need to plan ahead, this is easier now that I am centrally located, I have a bus to just about anywhere. I also made a commitment to not go out after 7 on weeknights or 8 on weekends, which was largely for my health but it makes it much easier to turn down bar and restaurant meet-ups. 

It is negligent of me to not take the actions I can to reduce my loan burden, thus I have been applying for as many scholarships as I can, 48 has of this writing, with a planned list to apply for many more spring scholarships in Nov and Dec, this is a meaningful action I can take and because there are only around 115,000 Law Students in the country, I figure my odds can’t be that bad.  I am writing this on June 12th so fingers crossed by the time it posts I have been awarded some. Regardless I can say I took the actions I could take. 

Speaking of taking action this weeks feminist not yet Old enough to drink has done so much to bring trans issues into the spotlight. She has written books, spoken publicly and shared private parts of her journey in order to normalize trans children and teens.

I made a Cocktail with a Mock-tail option, and Jazz when you are old enough to drink I will buy you one, You earned it. I found a Ancho. Chili Liquor at my uncles cottage and made this one up, we did it both ways and I highly recommend.

Jazz Jennings


Proscesso/ 7-up

Dash of cayenne pepper or Chili Liquor

Two of Jazz’s books are listed below. Affiliate links.

Mary Wollstonecraft

I am writing this post in June, as I am trying to schedule this out because #Law School. The goal as been to have one out every Saturday. I have also been applying for every scholarship I can, giving myself a minimum of 50 also because #Law-school. My phone has become aware of my goals and compulsive countdown to them. This and my manuscript means I have been doing all of the writing, all of it.

The feminist this week was known for her writing. Her feminist philosophy was that women are not weaker or inferior, and that education simplly for the sake of learning improved women lives, SHOCKING. She also had some weird views about government and class, and was the mother of Mary Shell who authored Frankenstein.


Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Apple cider ( hard or sparkling ”

  • Ginger beer

  • Jagermeister

Make sure ingredients and glass are ice cold and then mix one shot of Jagermeister with %50/50 cider and ginger beer.

Drink well packing lunches and cleaning the kitchen.

Elizabeth Warren

I re-wrote some headlines for accuracy, this is something I do when I am grumpy and make the mistake of opening the news (i.e daily.)

“ Can the Keto diet treat MS: this one anecdotal report will tell you that if only you made more of an effort re diet and exercise your incurable progressive condition just wouldn’t be getting you down”

“ I lost 150 pounds though a complete diet and lifestyle overhaul that included this one little thing!” 

“ Facebook says they will take action for privacy and fraudulent health information but only to the extent it doesn’t hurt there bottom line. A Facebook executive asks “Have we said enough to get you to move on? “ 

“ Trump continues to act like a white supremenist and will continue because we refuse to hold him accountable to even the most blatant lies.” 

“ everyone is at risk for HIV, just some more then others stop thinking its for “ those people “ and go get fucking tested, why isn’t this as routine as a cholesterol panel gah.”

Speaking of headlines when I read a recent Washington Post headline about Elizabeth Warren, my thought was “ Women. paid for work in area of expertise. “ , this is a headline that would not be written about a man. Women who have another job are expected to work for free, to not be greedy. One of my concerns going into Law around childbirth is that, all the lawyers I know working in this area work long hours and complex emotionally draining cases for free or very low fees, something I can never do as a single parent. headlines likes this continue to reenforce that reality.

I am glad that Slate and others cleared this up.

Elizabeth Warren is the shit. This drink is one of my new favorites, think Ginger/licorice candy.

Elizabeth Warren


  • Ginger beer

  • Absinthe

We did 1/4 once of absinthe and the rest of the glass ginger beer. This was enough to give an intense licorice taste. When we tasted this both of us said “ This is GOOD”

Kamala Harris

Bonds, connections, friendships and other relsonships empower us in every area of our lives, when they are healthy they created a strong brace against injustice. As such Co-dependacy is a tool of the patriarchy therefore tools for feminism include:

  • Learning to check in if we feel like someone said or thought something negative about us. More often than not , we are making up stories in our heads, and eliminating a potential alley, who in reality has no negative perception of us. This also gives other feminists an opportunity to change behavior that is unintentionally harmful. It limits the tools that the patriarchy can use against us to reenforce believes we are less than we are.

When you said I thought( or felt), …

  • Get used to sitting with someone hurting, without trying to fix it and without trying to control the outcome. Letting someones feelings flow though and out of you.

I love you, therefore I don’t want to control you. Your actions are not a reflection of me. I will hold space without trying to fix you and let go of the outcome.

  • Don’t make commitments, promises or agreements to avoid upsetting someone. This never works out and can dissolve friendships with inevitable avoidance and hurt that follows. Say no when you mean it. Offer alternatives and if possible specifics on ways you can help.

It is better to disappoint someone now then leave them having later. Difficult conversations fuel understanding and unity.

  • Bring up challenges in relationships, ask for what you need.

Hey, don’t call me before 7am if it’s not an emergency. I want to clarify what you expect from me in this situation. I can come but I have to leave at 8. You can text me all you need to if it helps, I can’t respond tonight I will read and respond in the morning. Hey, I am in recovery and hearing about eating disorders drags me down to hell too, we need to change the subject. Can you nag me to finish this task, push, me to workout, remind me to log in everyday.

Without these interpersonal skills, the patriarchy wins, it divides us, it continues to separate us. It makes us into caretakers, martyrs, and rips away our autonomy. Building these abilities, rejects the abuse of the patriarchy, allowing us to fully show up. Non of this is specifically about the feminist this week Kamala Harris, it just needed to be said.

Has a California Senator took blood actions such as confronting the “ transgendered panic defense” , creating a LGBTQ hate crimes investigation unit, she is working to close the pay gap. This presdential candidate, is intelligent , thoughtful and unafraid to admit when she has been wrong, such as her changed views on Canabuis policy. I plan on voting for Harris in the primary and you should too.

Kamala Harris

No Picture for this one, however short story, I went to a bar recently and ordered a Martini with Cognac in it and she said “ can I see your ID” I ( handing her my ID ) said “ That order should be a age test in and of itself. “

1 Oz Gin

2Oz Dry vermouth

1 Oz cognac

Kirsten Gillibrand

This is not an endorsement, I haven’t decided if I will vote for Gillibrand, Warren or Harris in the primary they will all get a drink this month, Harris on the 24th and Warren on the 31st.

I want to tell all the white dudes running that if they really support women and POC so much. TAKE A SEAT and I look forward to supporting the 2020 Candidate whoever she ( or Julián Castro) is. I would like to express my feelings about one candidate in particular with a MEME I made a while ago.


Kirsten Gillibrand 

  • Gin

  • “ fresh “ Lemon juice

  • Honey syrup

  • St. Germain

  • egg white

    I did one once of lemon, one once of gin, half an once of St. Germain, but I would do a full once if you had it. a jigger of honey syrup and a splash of egg white. Shake till frosty and serve in a chilled glass.

Margaret Atwood

I read the handmains tail a long time ago, I support it being taught in schools despite its graphic content, however, I refuse to watch the show, I don’t think I can handle it.

One of my friends said about the handmaidens tale “ It is so sad because everything that happens to the women in that story, has already happened to black women in this country”. I say this as a reminder that, this dystopian future we are so afraid of, as been the reality for many and I hope when this work is taught that is a key component.

Though her literary works and activism Margret Atwood has made a significant impact on feminists movements in the US. How do you describe a feminists who rejects the title? From her mixed support for the #metoo movement to her refusal to support feminism that excludes trans women, like so many activists Atwoods contributions are complex.


Margaret Atwood

  • Gin

  • Grapefruit

  • Orange juice

One once of Gin, two jiggers of grapefruit juice and a splash of

Judi Chamberlin

People know I mix drinks and thus, when they find a type of liquor they like, something they buy it for me or ask me to make a drink with it. So, we have acquired quite the collection.

I was making this drink and thought “ this would be good with Cointreau and Brandy, we have both maybe good brandy we have cognac, wait someone already thought of that, Grand Mariner, which we also have. Pretty soon I will be able to make anything and then I will take over the world, mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha! Until then, there are some problems I can not solve, such as what goes with absinthe and the way persons are treated in the mental health system in the US.

Our psychiatric systems are a mess, people who do not want care have it forced upon them and people who desperately want it can’t get it. The availability and quality of treatments is detrained by your zip code, insurance and ability to pay out of pocket. Abuse is rampant Like any illness “ no conversations about us, without us” should apply, however, systems refuse to see psychiatric survivors has the experts of their own experiences.

Judi Chamberlin worked to change conversations around mental health, autonomy and patient centered care. Helped to found the Mad Pride movement. She brought attention to the experiences of those who have been abused in psychiatric systems.

Picture taken during moving chaos

Picture taken during moving chaos

Judi Chamberlin

Sparkling red wine ( regular would be fine, just won’t be as fizzy


Grand Mariner

Cherries because of who I am as a person.

In a chilled glass, 1/3 7up,2/3 wine, one shot Grand Mariner.

Drink well ranting about the devalued autonomy of psychiatric patients.

Sandra Day O'Connor

Still visiting my mom over the summer and helping her move, so, we have been making cocktails together. I told my mom I needed more feminists, she respond was “ Have you don’t all the Justices “. We did RBG last year so consider this part 2 of 4. I asked my mom how many male justices, and she said “ More than four!” . So just, consult my mom for all things #feminist.

First women on the supreme court, co-author of the option in Planned Parenthood V Casey. I don’t agree with everything she has written. but you can not deny that Sandra Day O’Connor fought the patriarchy to end up the U.S supreme court.


Sandra Day O'Connor

  • Lager

  • Whiskey

  • Ginger Beer

Best with ice cold lager ginger beer and glass.

Half Lager, hald ginger beer, shot of Whiskey. Drink well imagining a judicial system without men,

Billie Jean King

I can not hit a ball if my life depends on it, so Billie Jean Kings athletic abilities blow my mind, however in addition to her athletic success Billy Jean King brought the inequality in sports to the attention of media across the country, opening up important conversations about gender, fitness and that, the limitations placed on women in sports are about misogyny not reality.

There are still large gaps in how female and male athletes are treated. For instance there is still a considerable pay gap. Women’s teams are often underfunded, receiving less support from educational systems, if not for title nine, this would extend even further into University and High School athletics. There is a long way to go.

ETA: Our US soccer team is calling the world on this and kicking ass!

Billie Jean King

  • Sour beer

  • Lime-aid

  • Grapefruit


Valerie Solanas

I am in the middle of helping my parents move, this is what the apartment looks like. A little overwhelming isn’t it? My mom asked me to make her a drink, so I did this twist on a whisky sour. Twice in the last year, I have faced significant hardships, primarily to shelter the emotions of whiney straight “boys” ( in there 30th), with fragile egos who can’t share , pushing aside men and realizing that, anyone who shelters them is enabling the patriarchy is difficult essential feminism.


Valerie Solanas wrote the SCUM manifesto, fundamental feminist reading. Calling out the patriarchy and addressing the reality that, all men are complicit in the patriarchy.

IMG_0172 2.jpg

Valerie Solanas

Citrus sour mix ( Pineapple, grapefruit, orange, lime , SS)


Optional 1/4th egg white

Add all ingredients, shake for 2 minutes, serve in a chilled glass.

Jennie Joseph

A large part of why I decided to go to law school was to address issues related to maternal child health. Maternal and infant mortality is on the rise in this country. This an issue that dramatically effects Black Families, and we all have a moral duty to take action on this issue. The way black parents are babies are cared for in this country is nothing short of genocide.

This spin on a cosmo is made for Jennie Joseph, a midwife and activist who has created a midwifery model that has dramatically reduced the infant and maternal mortality rate in the communities that implement it. Google her, donate to her work, she is out there, saving lives.

Jennie Joseph

1oz Vodka

1.5oz Countraue

.5oz Pomogrante juice

.5oz Lime

Combine all ingredients and shake until chilled, pour into a cold glass.


Carol Sanger

Carol Sanger is a Scholar, and Professor working in areas around Contract, Family law and Reproductive rights. Understanding the legal and societal forces at play is a large part of reproductive justice. Carol has written many books and published countless articles on the subject.

  • Countreau

  • Cognac

  • Lime

  • Simple syrup

  • Champagne

*Sub sour mix for lime and syrup

I basically made a sidecar and topped it off with champagne. Equal parts cointreau, and cognac and equal parts lime and simple syrup. toped with Champagne to taste.


Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I have been working on my manuscript, which basically looks like typing until I can’t see straight and then typing some more. As I result I am lazy. Like, I can not quantify how incredibly lazy I am right now.

Elizabeth started out as an abolitionist, became a women rights activist and then a jerk. She supported the freedom of slaves but rejected further efforts to raise the status of Black Americans, throwing them under the bus to gain ( white) women suffrage. This, concept of encouraging the oppression of another group to elevate ones-self is a common one in activism and one that requires awareness in order to not repeat these patterns.

Reminder. If your feminism requires you smack down another marginalized group, your feminism is shit.

Cocktail FAQ:

Q: What does this drink have to do with this person.

A: Absolutely nothing, I just wanted to made a drink for someone who wanted to outlaw booze and I wanted to make this drink. So I threw them together.

Q: Koolaid really? When will you make a grown up drink.

A: First, Koolaid is delicious, and second stay tuned I have a gimlet and a spin on a Tom Collins scheduled.

Q: If you are going to sink this low, why not just use Everclear.

A: Not there yet, but you do you, I won’t judge.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Koolaid powder

Fizzy water


Mix them together.

Alternatively you can use unsweetened Kool Aid poweder ( highly recommend you double the about in the recipe) and a sweeter carbonated water like club soda or sprite.

Non-Alcoholic option, leave out the vodka or replace it with sour mix.

Mia Yamamoto

Full discloser, this is part one of several cocktails made with one bottle of champagne.

I tried this cocktail and I said, “ dammit I did not need two learn I liked champagne mixed with cognac, now I have to become a real lawyer so I can pay for this. “ I won’t though, everything I want to do exists in the public sector or academia and doesn’t pay a living wage with two post graduate degrees, or has my mother says “ Do you plan on being paid eventually?”

For some people, being a lawyer allowed them to reach places they otherwise would not have, there is no question that education and income open doors, even if they shouldn't. Born imprisoned in an interment camp during world war 2 , Mia was well aware of the effects of racial discrimination, leading Mia to become a dedicated advocate for those navigating a criminal justice system inherently unjust to those who are not white. Being a lawyer allowed Mia Yamamoto to pay for therapy and other services she needed to validate her gender identity. Something that, we should all have free access too. Mia speaks on issues related to gender, race and queerness.

Mia Yamamoto

  • Cognac

  • Champagne

  • Fresh fruit, sliced peaches and blackberries

    3/4th Champagne, 1/4th cognac, sliced fruit.


Leslie Feinberg

I promised a less sweet cocktail and behold here it is, this one was fun because it has a foam. Egg foam in a cocktail tastes like whatever booze/juice is mixed with it, it adds a cool texture profile, think Latte Foam.

I have been struggling to get medical care, this isn’t unusual for me however this round as been particular frustrating for reasons I can not go into right now.

Years ago I was in the hospital due to an issue with my heart, I pressed for more testing rather then being discharged, however I was not only discharged but told to only come back if I was injured. The Man in the room next to me received a test I was told they did not offer in their hospital. He was told to come back if he had any problems, to air on the side of caution. . I realize he may have had other high risk factors I was unaware of however his discharge DX was heart burn and mine involved a broken sinus node. Misogyny played a part in the care ( or lack there of ) I received that day. I later received a pacemaker for this problem, it was one that needed to be treated.

Not being taken seriously killed Leslie Feinberg, like so many people who do not fit within a medical or social norm.

Leslie was a author addressing issues of Gender and trans people from a social and historical context . Zie was also a outspoken peace activist, Zer website is https://transgenderwarrior.org. I have posted links to two of Zir books below.


Leslie Feinberg

  • One shot Grapefruit Juice

  • One egg

  • .5 to 1.5 shots of Gin

  • Tonic water

Add the first three ingredients to a shaker without ice, shake for about a minute. Add ice, shake some more strain into a glass , slowly add tonic water.

One egg white makes a lot of foam as pictured , this foam tastes like grapefruit and Gin, if you want less, use less egg white.

I added a video to show separating the egg white without a separator. You can buy tools and if that is what you need.


Yashica Robinson

I love abortion. It is something I am insanely passionate about. I have “ abortion on demand and without apology” tattooed on my arm. I recently told someone who commented on my tattoo that, everyone who is providing abortions knows they can be killed for their work. Having accepted that risk, there isn’t a lot you can say to discourage it. Dr. Robinson is taking additional risks to share information about abortion in Alabama and the fight they are facing. Dr. Robison is a hero.


Dr. Yashica Robinson

Grapefruit Juice

Simple syrup

Pineapple juice

Club soda



Optional Tequila

Equal parts grapefruit juice and simple syrup to equal about half a cup of juice, a splash of pineapple juice, a splash of cointreau, club soda and champagne. We also tried this with less champagne, more club soda and tequila. It was great both ways.

Drink well sending cash to Dr. Robinson at


Marsha P. Johnson

I recently decided to train a new movement, a high bridge from a standing backbend. Sometimes I like to see what the limits of my broken body are. This movement may not be possible for me and right now all it’s doing is making my arms hurt. However, there are a lot of things I thought would never be possible, that are now realities, like the positive relationship I have with my parents or Law School.

When I was 19, I made a sign with the following quote. It's still on my bulletin board on rainbow paper with glitter paint. I leave it up to remind myself to attempt the impossible.

“Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.'

I daresay you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. There goes the shawl again!”

Lewis Carroll

Lots of things seem impossible,and then they happen. During the Stonewall riots, it seemed impossible we would make it this far in fifty years, but the work and bold sacrifice of people like Marsha who knew there was not another option, we have. I still cry when I read about the events at Stonewall and the actions of the people who like Marsha fought for their place in the world.

Marsha P. Johnson

In a chilled glass


Ginger beer

Hard cider ( I did blood orange because it was open and 10/10 recommended)




Full disclosure, because I would never lie to you internet people. I didn’t add vodka to mine because I have been a total light weight lately. Y’all do what you feel.

Random fact: I recently read a SCOTUS case about ice, so now I can’t even enjoy that anymore. Don’t go to law school if you ever want to find joy in anything ever again.

Elizabeth Cochran Seaman

I recently went home for the summer, when I got in the door my mom said “ I bought you, almond milk, vegan butter and grenadine.” This is how much I like grenadine, so, y’all can be proud of me for making a cocktail without it.

Finishing my first year of Law school I have a few random observations.

  1. It’s alarming that post graduate students who are > 3 years out from being working legal professionals call each other ”kids.”

  2. There isn't enough education on emotional awareness and communication for persons entering a profession with high rates of exposure to secondary trauma.

  3. Learning about a legal system built to promote and maintain the position of white, male property owners is about as frustrating as it sounds.

  4. One of the biggest assholes in the school has been the kindness friend to me and the professor, my classmates, seemed the most scared of has been the biggest advocate for me.

  5. Best diet ever ( I lost 50 pounds.) *millage may vary

Elizabeth Cochran Seaman

Also known as Nellie Bly. This feminist reporter changed the game for investigative reporting.



Sparkling red wine

7-up — Substitute sparkling water for a less sweet drink.




Berries and cherries


I did half a shot of tequila and a shot of cointreau but you could do more if you can drink like a normal person.

I layered raspberries, blueberries and blackberries berries in ice but use what you have. I added a layer of maraschino cherries because of who I am as a person.

I then did 50/50 sparkling red wine and 7-up ( or sparkling water) to fill the glass.

Also I added some lime juice

Drink well ranting about how hard it is for femme bodied people to get jobs in male dominated professions.


Syliva Riviera 

I had a birthday this week and my classes start up again on Thursday.  I asked all my friends for feminist T-shirts that I could wear for Grad school and got a few that are has subtle and appropriate has I am.  I have cleaned my house, organized all my school stuff, reminded myself that every time I learn something new I am basically punching a fundamentalist in the face  and am has ready has I am going to be. 

At my birthday party I ended up making at least five Sylvia Riviera's, it is fitting that such a popular drink is named after this powerful Queer., Trans* and feminist activist. Plus this cocktail is basically pure booze and tastes like a frappuccino. 


Syliva Riviera 

  • One shot of Irish Creme

  • One shot of Kahlua

  • One shot of Creme de coco

  • One quarter shot of cold brew coffee concentrate

Add all of the ingredients to a shaker bottle with ice shake it will it is crazy cold and strain. 


Laverne Cox

What does one say when a friend asks you to bartend so they can share there troubles and decompress after moving? Well I say " of course you are always welcome so long has I do not have to wear pants" .  I also then have to start thinking up some new feminists cocktails. This evening I made an Audre Lorde, Silvia Rivera, and a Laverne Cox. So stay tuned because I will post the rest of those throughout the week. 

Laverne Cox is best known for her role in Orange is the new black. To be honest I did not watch very much of that show and know Cox best for her feminist and trans* activism. Cox is such an articulate and passionate speaker I could listen to her all day. 

Laverne Cox 

This drink tastes like a sonic cherry lime aid. 

One table spoon Grenadine 

One cherry 

One half shot Cherry Liquor 

One shot of Vodka 

Lime juice 

Carbonated lemon-aid